Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Recap of our past infertility treatment:

After 3 years ‘trying’ but not ‘trying’ in September 2006
We conceived but it was on ‘ectopic pregnancy’ which ruptured and threatened my life and I lost my left fallopian tube and ended up with a laparoscopy that led to a laparotomy (open surgery) due to internal bleeding
Despite being just 21,
I was devastated by the loss and desperate to confirm if my remaining tube was ok and what would happen to me now,
Despite all this I had ‘hope’ if we conceived once; my reasoning is we would probably conceive again and soon.
I joined fertility friend in January 2007 I temped for 14 consecutive months with ‘perfect’ ovulatory charts every time and ‘high’ ratings all the time on the intercourse timing.
I have also done opks for a total of 3 years now.
I still use fertility friend I’m on my third v.i.p membership and I track my cm and all my symptoms and the million supplements we take and the strange things we do.
I just lost the will to temp and I don’t know if I want to go back to it,
As it definitely didn’t help me conceive and I know when I ovulate by my fertile signs and by using opks.

I got a HSG done 6 months after the ectopic and after 4 months of official proper trying to conceive in April 2007.
This was 'hell on earth' as my doctor didn’t tell me to take any painkillers.
I screamed the place down but I made it through, to find out my right tube was clear.
We had timed intercourse that cycle I had an ultrasound and was told when to baby dance. The result = 0
So next time we went back was at 10 months trying to conceive post ectopic.
Dh had his first semen analysis the results weren’t so great he had high viscosity (thickness of semen) and motility wasn’t the best but his count and morphology were both high on the good side.
So IUI was recommended.
We did a monitored cycle that time we had our first trigger shot (pregnyl) but unfortunately it didn’t work so,
November 2007 Our first IUI a lot of hopes it was a natural IUI no fertility meds just a trigger shot for my one follie. The result was a devastating bfn; somehow we really thought this was ‘it’ for us,
This was the naivety of a couple just starting out in fertility treatments.

December 2007: 2nd IUI Time to start Clomid 50mg at my request two perfect follies and again BFN
Then we took a break for finances.

February 2008: IUI no.3 clomid 50mg two follies and as always a big fat negative at the end.
November 15 2008: My Laparoscopy cycle which included a follow up ultrasound and trigger shot cycle sadly bfn despite my optimism.
December 2008 : Our Christmas ‘hope’ cycle 3 follies everything was great ‘high hopes’ ended in tears on New years eve and a lot more on New years day .What a way to ring in the New year.

October 2009: ‘last chance’ IUI no.5: fantastic results 2 mature follies for me with Clomid 50mg and DH now well above normal in every aspect of his sperm
Count, motility etc.

My cycles began to go haywire progressively from august 2009, previously never longer than 35 days, November to January 41day cycle and January to march 7th a 57 day cycle.
But regardless we continue to ttc naturally.

March 2010: trying to conceive naturally while preparing for IVF,start date still unknown but hopefully to be sometime in May 2010.

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