Saturday, August 28, 2010

Struggling with IVF

If I/You think I was complaining before I take it all back from the first IVF cycle.
This cycle is completely different the major changes are below:
Change of doctor from male to female.
Change to doctor I don't know as opposed to my regular of three years.
Change of protocol from Short (antagonist) to Long (agonist)
Change of costs this IVF is costing us a lot more.
Each appointment is triple the cost.
The actual procedure is the same/slightly cheaper.
We'll spend at least 1500 on blood tests and near 1000 on meds that we didn't have to last time :(
And its still the same my doctor is so busy we'll always have to wait around. Except for retrieval and transfer (at least i'm hoping)
My dosage I Started higher on 175iu last time started on 150iu.
At my first appointment I was decreased in my first IVF.
This time I've been increased to 200iu due to poor response.
Well not extremely poor but still only about 7 or 8 follies this time.
We'll see the most important thing is that the result will be the opposite.
Turning the negative of last cycle into positive.
Trying my hypnotism cds as of yesterday.
Hope they'll help me be more positive.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

All about the drama with the weather and the electricity and waiting 3 plus hours to see the doctor.

I don't know I haven't seen weather like this ever before.
It was a crazy summer of storms,floods and excessive heat.
More than 20 days this summer I seen above 30 degrees heats about 15 of them close to 35 degrees. I don't like heat anything over 25 degrees is too much.

Anyways wouldn't be so bad if the floods didn't screw our sewarge system irreversably
or the I don't know how many powercuts several of them for 14 hours.
I wouldn't mind if it wasn't for my ivf medications which need to be kept between 2 and 8 degrees at all times.

The night before last the power was cut and the meds were 10 hours in a fridge without electricty :( then we brought them to Danas's brothers house and then took them back again coz the power was back.
Then last nite it all happened again.
Storms power gone in the middle of the night but luckily this time it came back after one hour.
But it woke us up and kept us stressing for that hour as we were both sure it would be gone for a long time.
Those two nights in a row plus the time it cut in the evening last week.
I mean come on 3 times in one week and at least 4 other times this summer.
Especially since this morning was the time for me to start using that medication for the first time in this new Ivf cycle.

And its the force of nature that keeps threatening us.
Although its obvious the cables aren't up to standard in our area :(
Every time the storms start I just pray and pray for everyone and everything but especially that the power won't go out.
It's so unfair we just need it to hold on for two weeks now but the forecast is threatening and we're not able to do anything except hope we can pull through.

Its not hot anymore well not proper hot but the weather is still so extreme with these flash flood storms.

Now about the rest of what happened yesterday the Blood test and my doctors appointment.
Went to get my Blood taken before 8am all with the stress of Not been able to shower because the electricty was gone.
Which meant we had no water at all.
Our water is by on electric pump so when there's no electricity
there's no water.
Came home after 10am gave up all hope of power coming back in time and went to Danas's brothers house to bring the medicine to his fridge and to get a shower.
Thank God he was home that day because I needed to have a ultrasound which yesterday was cd2 eek.
I probably would have had to cancel otherwise.
Ok so all that done
We arrived at the doctors for just before 12.
My doctor didn't arrive until 12.30 but I didn't have set appointment( she wants it that way not me)
So waiting,waiting,waiting
at 13.40 we got in to see her
only because I had a deadline of on injection at 2pm which I needed to get the medication off her.
Got the meds Injected in broad daylight in the car.
Man that was some crazy shit never did that before all my other injections were always at home.
I needed to get my ultrasound done so I had to go back and wait. And again waiting,waiting,waiting
for about 40 mins
finally got in for the scan.
And found out my blood results were a little bit high so we had to wait until today to start the injections.
So now I inject one med at 7.30am and one at 2pm every day for the next 2 weeks +/-
My next appointment is on Friday.
I hope we don't have to wait so long.
Anyways after we went shopping I had on emotional spell with crying and crazy hot flashes I've been having on/off hot flashes but yesterday they reached peak level. Air conditioning in the shopping centre didn't help.
Anyways way too much drama. Then you know the rest.
Today I'm trying to recover but I'm going through anxiety combined with massive excitement to be finally getting somewhere and hot flashes and tiredness
This time is at least 5 times more complicated than last time but the focus I have in all of this is
It's all about the hope for a positive end result.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Still waiting To get this show started again

Eek I'm so sick of waiting.
I was over optimisticly hoping AF would show up early
But no, still not here supposed to arrive 2moro.
Which will be day 14 of my injections so far.
I'm afraid of two things either that I'll be not shut down enough or I'll be too shut down.
I have to go for my next blood test Whenever is cd1
but if its tomorrow than I have to wait til day 2.
Either way I'm back at the doctor on monday to get more meds.

I can't say how much I know I'm lucky to get this second chance at IVF.
I hate going through this but I need the hope that it might work this time.

It's super stressful because we don't have enough money to be doing this.

I would feel guilty if I had the chance to do this for free like in many other countries,
But at the same time I wish we did have that.
Then we'd only have to worry about taking physical limitation breaks instead of the much longer financial status induced breaks.
Of course no country covers more than 3 free IVF cycles so if thats not enough anyway your on your own .
But that would be a massive help.
Still considering moving to one of those countries just for that option.
But maybe this time will work ;) damn there are just too many 'buts' and 'ifs' in INFERTILITY.
Nothing in life is guaranteed but even moreso in our situation.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The start of something new IVF no.2

So I don't know how to feel anymore.
I started my down regulation injections on monday and now I have to inject them now and every day for 3+a half maybe four weeks or even more.
Somewhere along that time I'll start up the Puregon (Follistim)
so I'll be on two different injections per day
approx total injection count for the next 4-5weeks equals 40-50 injections.
Or in other words: a hell of a lot more than last time, at least double.
Heres hoping for at least double the results of last time ;) as in more embies and more blastocysts.
And I really really hope that this will work but I honestly don't know if it will

and I don't know if I should tell myself it will,
Coz thats just torture but,
I guess in my subconcious
I'm over confident coz if I wasn't
I wouldn't be throwing every last cent we have at the doctor.
I don't really know if we'll have any money left to survive at the end of this
looks really bad right now financially
but I don't regret trying because after this I will have to stop like I said before theres just no question of that being any other way.